Financial Education

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in Financial Education

Sector ETF guide

In the previous article “Sectors and Industries” we have shown which industries, industry groups and sectors exist in the market. Now lets investigate how and when to invest in them, prominent examples and which ETFs can be used to benefit from the overall sector performance. We selected ETFs per sector based on their total expense ratio […]

in Financial Education

Stock Exchanges of the World

As our gaze stretches across the globe, we embark on an analytical journey through the most prominent exchanges. Below is a bar chart with the total number of listed stocks per exchange. US exchanges are shown in blue. What do you realize? Of course, the largest exchanges are in the US! The OTC Pink marketplace, […]

in Financial Education

Sectors and Industries

The global stock market operates as the cornerstone of modern financial economies. Comprising multiple sectors and industries, it reflects the intricate web of trade and commerce that fuels worldwide economic growth. Within this arena, investors and analysts observe the ebb and flow of capital as a barometer of both fiscal health and technological progress. The […]

in Financial Education

Asset Classes Overview

Asset classes are groupings of securities or investments that exhibit similar characteristics and behaviors in the marketplace. They play a crucial role in the construction of diversified investment portfolios, with each class offering varying levels of risk and return. Some of the primary asset classes include: Cash and Cash Equivalents: This asset class includes currency, […]

in Financial Education

The Magic Square of Investment

What basic expectations do you have of an investment and an investment vehicle? Before pursuing an investment strategy, everyone should be aware of the following points:  These questions reflect the 5 basic investment criteria: security, liquidity, profitability, and time. Of course when choosing YOUR perfect investment strategy, you should always be open to learn, discover […]

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